"...Teach a Man to Fish And You Feed Him for a Lifetime"
Employment Program
Empowering Our Youth Through Employment Opportunities
The youth employment program offers young adults the opportunity to leave the reservation to work and live in a new town for the summer to gain work training and experience new surroundings and activities.
This innovative new program connects Lakota workers (ages 18 to 25) with businesses in need of seasonal employees. While Pine Ridge has an unemployment rate of 80%, many employers in prime travel destinations struggle with a shortage of workers.
Working Together For A Solution
We provide young adults opportunities to earn money and have an adventure while learning job skills that they can use to gain self-sufficiency and support the economy on the Reservation. The Summer Employment Program provides transportation to the job location, on-going and constant support, recreational activities, and workshops/classes to grow their skill sets. One Spirit supporter Sarah Hamilton, who operates a resort in Cook County, MN, was instrumental in creating this already-successful program.
As of Summer 2022, the Summer Employment Program has two location options: Cook County, Minnesota and Hampton Beach, New Hampshire.
Learn more about the Summer Employment Program. View job postings, learn about activities, and more.
Are you an employee? or employer?
How We Make A Difference
We invite you to learn more about how we make an impact while also maintaining the rich culture of the Oglala Lakota people of Pine Ridge Reservation
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Lakota Family Sponsorships
Okini Sponsorship List
We strive to make life-changing impacts by providing necessary resources and support that will help those in need. Our team is passionate about helping families and making meaningful connections. Join us in our mission and make a difference in someone’s life today.