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Let's make this a season to remember - Summer 2024 Program Overview

There are 44 DAYS until Memorial Day and as part of our #CountdownToSummer Fundraiser, we want to share a brief overview of the programs that will benefit from a donation today. Over the next few weeks, we will dive deeper into each program and share testimonials from some of the people we serve!

1. The Allen Youth Center - Established in 2015, the AYC has been a place for learning, nutrition, shelter, and culture. In addition to the main building, the AYC is also home to a free laundromat, a full size basketball court, and a food pantry.

2. The One Spirit Employment Program - With several locations offered, the Employment Program provides young adults with work experience, opportunities to travel, and friendships that will last a lifetime.

3. Current and New Food Pantries and Regenerative Gardens - The One Spirit Food Program was one of the founding platforms of One Spirit almost 20 years ago. After several evolutions, the program now features 3 food pantries and regenerative agriculture gardens. Together, these programs tackle the current critical needs and while also establish and build a system that can serve the people on the rez for years to come.

4. Camp Marrowbone - Working with the Sioux Falls YMCA, Camp Marrowbone is a week-long summer camp that features classic camp activities in addition to instilling traditional Lakota values. It is a time to make new friends, spend time outdoors, and have fun!

5. Lakota YouthStay - the newest addition to the One Spirit Youth Initiative umbrella, Lakota YouthStay sends Lakota youth aged 10-15 travel across the country to the Boston area, where they stay with a host family, explore new places, and take part in workshops and activities that aren't available on the rez. It is a time where confidence is built and worldviews are expanded!

6. Horse Spirit Camp - Another One Spirit Youth Initiative, Horse Spirit Camps connect local children with the beauty of horses. These camp sessions not only give children an opportunity to spend time outdoors, but they also teach them valuable lessons like responsibility and self-confidence and about how horses are integral parts of Lakota culture.

The One Spirit #CountdownToSummer Fundraiser is raising money to support all of these programs so that we can provide a season to remember! You can join us today with a donation at

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