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Introducing AYC 2.0: Building a Brighter Future for Pine Ridge Youth

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

The Allen Youth Center (AYC) on the Pine Ridge Reservation has been a beacon of hope for the local youth, providing them with a safe space, mentorship, and essential resources.

AYC 2.0 represents an ambitious plan to expand and enhance the programs offered by the youth center, ensuring that the needs of reservation youth are fully met. We aim to create a post-pandemic safe haven for learning, growth, friendships, and recreation. With your generous contributions, we can make this vision a reality.

However, the challenges facing the community are far from over, and we need your support to take the AYC to the next level.


Phase 1: Completed

Phase 1 of the AYC 2.0 project is already underway. We are focused on preparing for increased program capacity and establishing a solid foundation for the construction of a basketball court and skatepark. Currently, the driveway and parking area suffer from potted and muddy conditions, making it difficult for vehicles to access the youth center and laundromat.

To address this issue, we are undertaking grading and gravel work in the area. This improvement will not only enhance accessibility but also lay the groundwork for future construction. By spring, Phase 1 will be completed, bringing us one step closer to the realization of AYC 2.0.

But we can't do it alone. We need your support to make a lasting impact on the lives of Pine Ridge youth. Generously, a donor has pledged to match the first $5,000 donated, doubling the impact of your contribution. Your donation will directly contribute to covering the cost of grading and gravel, allowing us to swiftly move forward with the construction of the basketball court.

Join us in building a brighter future for the next generation of Lakota. With your help, we can create a safe, nurturing environment where youth can thrive, grow, and shape their community positively. Donate today and be a part of the AYC 2.0 story, empowering Pine Ridge youth for a lifetime of success.

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